All Island Equity MIC |
All Island Equity Mortgage Investment Corp provides a diversified investment alternative secured by mortgages across British Columbia. Our portfolio consists of over $70M in loans spread over 100 properties throughout Vancouver Island, the Okanagan and other trusted BC communities. With a portfolio loan-to-value of 50%, All Island Equity MIC provides a conservative and diversified approach to real estate investment.[1] |
All Island Equity MIC offers investors the ability to participate in a diversified mortgage portfolio secured by prime real estate throughout Vancouver Island, the Okanagan and select trusted communities throughout BC. The portfolio consists of over 100 mortgages secured by over $200M in real estate assets. [2]
We offer a tax-efficient, flow-through investment vehicle that aims to pay a consistent and stable distribution to shareholders. The share value of the mortgage fund does not change and 100% of net income is distributed quarterly. Our management team provides quarterly updates on the portfolio performance as well as annual third party audited financial statements.
All Island Equity MIC has a solution for you.
At All Island Equity, we recognize and value the unique potential in our Island communities. We have a sincere desire to see Vancouver Island flourish and are committed to helping you make your next project a success. Don’t wait to turn your dreams into reality – contact our team today to find out how All Island Equity can assist with your next project.